Adivasi Chetna Shikshan Seva Samiti

The Organization was formed by local tribal people to uplift their own tribal community for their overall development

GuideStar India Certification Level: Transparency key

The Organization was formed by local tribal people to uplift their own tribal community for their overall development. VISION:-The total development of the

poor tribal marginalized, migrants, downtrodden and the neglected of the society. To promote establish, maintain, manage and conduct educational, Medical

Developmental activities, Hostels, Technical and Vocational Handicraft Training. Women and Child Development and other education. Medical welfare

activities that are in manner conductive and useful in walk of human life. MISSION:-To perform works as service, engage sponsor, promote Social Service

activities. To undertake relief works, Rehabilitation and welfare works for the benefit those in need irrespective of Caste, Creed or Religion. Conduct

development and Training project promotes homes for the aged, handicapped and retarded mother and Child, Health Cent, community Health Programs.

Family welfare program.

we are runing a residential orphan and poor tribal children in village Gadwada distt Jhabua.

Also working with poor pople to link with govt. scheme , Rashtriya Kishore swasthya karyakram.

Presently working Corona awarness and Rashan distribution programme.

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